Austin City Lutherans (ACL) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit serving low-income individuals and families. The organization operates Bread For All Food Pantry, opened in SE Austin in 2013; established Mariposa Family Learning Center, a 2-Gen(eration) childcare provider, in 2019; and, kicked-off a new ministry initiative in 2022 to provide beds, furniture, and household items for people exiting homelessness.
Austin City Lutherans consists of the leaders and members of the ELCA worshipping communities in and around Austin, Texas. Formed in 2011, ACL adopted the moniker “More, Better, Together” to guide its activities.
From September 2013 to July 2018, ACL operated Bread For All Food Pantry at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in SE Austin. As of August 2018, the pantry operates out of Faith Presbyterian Church, 1314 E. Oltorf. The pantry, powered by a volunteer base of more than fifty people, serves upwards of 600 households each month. Open on Monday evenings, the pantry targets working folks and their children living in economic poverty. While most of the volunteers are Lutheran church members, a handful are friends – equally committed to this type of ministry – who have come alongside to help feed our neighbors from our SE Austin base.

In 2018, ACL stepped up to take on the mission challenge of addressing early childhood development in SE Austin by establishing Mariposa Family Learning Center. Childcare with a 2-Gen approach means that we work alongside parents of childcare children through support and educational groups to help them access health, economic, and educational resources.
The following ELCA congregations and ministry efforts make up ACL: Abiding Love, Faith, First English, Gethsemane, Holy Cross, Lutheran Campus Ministry at the University of Texas, Palabra de Vida, Peace, Salem, Shepherd of the Hills, St. John’s/San Juan, St. Martin’s, and Triumphant Love. (Prince of Peace closed in 2017, but hosted Bread For All for almost five years. Ascension closed in 2024. A number of former members of both congregations continue to volunteer at BFA.)
Austin City Lutherans is a non-profit organization with 501(c)(3) status and all donations are tax-deductible. ACL’s board of directors consists of: Dr. Cal Streeter, President; Stephanie Schweinfurth, Vice-President; Janis Coltin, Secretary; Mark Stuckey, Treasurer; Rev. Brad Highum; Rev. Tom Grevlos; Dick Moeller; and Rev. Tim Anderson, Director.